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Abstract Details

PTEN Depletion Rescues the [szlig]-Actin Deficit in Axonal Growth Cones in Motoneurons from a Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Child Neurology/Developmental Neurobiology
Ke Ning, MD, PhD (University of Sheffield) No disclosure on file
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Azza Ismail, MBBS, PhD, MRCP (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals) No disclosure on file
Jingya Zhang, PhD (Kadmon) No disclosure on file
Chiara Valori, PhD (University of Sheffield) No disclosure on file
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Pamela J. Shaw, MD, FRCP, FAAN (The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Inst for Translational Neurosc) No disclosure on file
Basil Sharrack, MD, PhD, FAAN (Department of Neuroscience) Dr. Sharrack has nothing to disclose.
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