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Abstract Details

Gerstmann like Parietal Dysfunction in a Family with Congenital Mirror Movements with a Novel Missense Variant in RAD51 Gene
Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology
S34 - (-)
Adit Friedberg, MD (UCSF)
The institution of Dr. Friedberg has received research support from The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation . The institution of Dr. Friedberg has received research support from The Global Brain Health Institute.
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Nir Giladi, MD, FAAN (Tel-Aviv Medical Center) Dr. Giladi has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for Sionara. Dr. Giladi has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Consultant for NeuroDerm. Dr. Giladi has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Consultant for Pharma2B. Dr. Giladi has stock in Vibrant. Dr. Giladi has stock in Lysosomal Therapeutics . The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from The Michael J Fox Foundation. The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from The National Parkinson Foundation. The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from The European Union . The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from The Israel Science Foundation. The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from Biogen . The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from Ionis. The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from Sieratzki Family Foundation . The institution of Dr. Giladi has received research support from The Aufzien Academic Center in Tel-Aviv University.
Iftah Biran, MD (Tel Aviv Medical Center) No disclosure on file