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Abstract Details

Natalizumab treatment for highly active children and juveniles multiple sclerosis patients : An Israeli collaborative study
Child Neurology and Developmental Neurology
S35 - (-)
Shay Menascu, MD (Pediatric Neurology Unit, Dana Pediatric Hospital,)
No disclosure on file
Ron E. Milo, MD, FAAN (Barzilai Medical Center) Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Merck KGaA . Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Novartis. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Roche. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Merck-Serono. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Sanofi. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Brystol-Myers-Squibb . Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Medison. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Neopharm. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Teva. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Novartis. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Merck. Dr. Milo has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Brystol-Myers-Squibb.
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Anat Achiron, MD, PhD, FAAN (Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer) Dr. Achiron has nothing to disclose.