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Abstract Details

Predicting Epilepsy Surgery Outcomes from Presurgical Temporal Lobe Network Architecture
Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG)
S9 - (-)
Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht, MD (Emory University)
Dr. Gleichgerrcht has nothing to disclose.
Sonal O. Bhatia, MD (Medical University of South Carolina) Dr. Bhatia has nothing to disclose.
Jonathan C. Edwards, MD (Medical University of SC) Dr. Edwards has received intellectual property interests from a discovery or technology relating to health care.
No disclosure on file
Ruben I. Kuzniecky, MD, FAAN Dr. Kuzniecky has nothing to disclose.
Leonardo F. Bonilha, MD (University of South Carolina) Dr. Bonilha has nothing to disclose.