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Abstract Details

Feasibility of Telerobotics in Telehealth
Global Health and Neuroepidemiology
Global Health Posters (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)

Telehealth has evolved alongside technology since 1999, integrating the use of video interfaces with physicians, medical assistants, and other clinicians.

The aim of the study was to examine the feasibility of the transition of the robot from the operating room into the physical examination space.

At Mayo Clinic Florida a haptic glove was dawned by a Neurointensivist that controlled a robotic arm in London, England. Six experiments were completed including palpation of different objects, evaluation of pressure, evaluation of a deep tendon reflex, ultrasound of optic nerve sheath diameter, ultrasound of pleural space, and use of a lumbar puncture model.

The sheer completion of these experiments illustrates the achievability of performing distance physical exams using robotic technology in telehealth.

The use of robotics to perform physical exams will revolutionize medicine and has the potential to increase access of healthcare globally, creating the supply needed for the growing demand of physicians. There are vast areas of potential growth and further research in the use of medical robotics in teaching, diagnostics, and treatments. However, in their current state there were significant limitations of the technology. Limitations included an inability for the haptic glove to transmit wrist movement, which is crucial for eliciting a deep tendon reflex using a reflex hammer. In summary, this groundbreaking study exemplified the feasibility for the use of robotics for distance physical examination. The use of haptic robotics to perform physical examinations provides a beneficial avenue to increase access to healthcare globally.

Christy Soares, MD (Emory University Hospital)
Dr. Soares has nothing to disclose.
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Christy Soares, MD (Emory University Hospital) Dr. Soares has nothing to disclose.