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Lyell K. Jones, Jr., MD, FAAN

Lyell K. Jones, Jr., MD, FAAN, is a consultant, professor, and vice chair (education) of neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Jones received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Wake Forest University before completing his neurology residency and neurophysiology fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, where he has been a member of the consulting staff since 2009. Jones’s clinical and research focus is in neuromuscular medicine, particularly neurodegenerative, infectious, and autoimmune neuromuscular disorders.

Health care quality and value have been the central focus of Jones’s health system leadership roles. He currently serves as Mayo Clinic’s enterprise medical director of contracting and payer relations, overseeing Mayo Clinic’s commercial contract portfolio as well as its Strategic Contracting team. In his role as chair of Government Program Strategy at Mayo Clinic, he has led systemwide implementation of novel care models such as the Mayo Clinic Accountable Care Organization, an MSSP covering more than 60,000 lives. He is a former medical director for the Mayo Clinic Office of Patient Experience and chair of Payment Model Operations. Jones has served on numerous national committees, and as the chair of the American Academy of Neurology Quality Committee, he oversees the development of neurology practice guidelines, quality measures, and implementation of the Axon Registry®. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of the AAN Institute and the Mayo Clinic ACO.

Prior to joining the staff at the Mayo Clinic, Jones served in the United States Air Force at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, TX. In his education leadership capacity at Mayo Clinic, Jones developed a Neurology Residency Health Disparities Initiative (NeuroHDI) and created an award-winning Neurology Residency Wellness Program. He is the current editor-in-chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology®. He has been recognized with the AAN Program Director Award, the ACGME Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award, and has been inducted into the Mayo Clinic Teacher of the Year Hall of Fame.