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Nimish A. Mohile, MD, MS, FAAN

Nimish A. Mohile, MD, MS, FAAN, is the Ann Aresty Camhi Professor of Neurology at the University of Rochester, where he serves as the division chief of neuro-oncology and the associate chair for academic affairs. He is a graduate of Duke University, where he first became inspired by neuroscience.

After neurology residency at Northwestern University and a neuro-oncology fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, he joined the faculty at the University of Rochester to build a multi-disciplinary brain tumor program. He currently directs the Neuro-oncology Service Line and Brain Tumor Clinical Trials Program, where he develops and tests patient-centered interventions to improve and extend the lives of patients with brain tumors. He led the development and publication of international guidelines for the treatment of gliomas sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Oncology. He is the AAN Neuro-oncology Section chair and in this role he works to strengthen the neuro-oncology community at the AAN and helps foster the career development of early career neuro-oncologists.

Mohile loves to mentor and enjoys contributing to the career development of students, trainees, and faculty in neurology and neuro-oncology. He has spearheaded innovative faculty development, mentoring, and leadership programs that emphasize personal values, identity, and reflective work in career advancement. He brings this experience to his current role as the physician liaison for the Transforming Leaders Program.

As an advocate for advancing equity in the profession of neurology, Mohile aspires to help organizations become fully inclusive and equitable entities. At the AAN, he has served as the chair of the AAN Diversity Officer’s Subcommittee, a member of the IDEAS subcommittee, and a member of the AAN Special Commission for Racism, Inequity, and Social Justice. He is currently the chair of the Anti-racism Curriculum Working Group and is excited to take on the role of chair for the newly created Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.