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Paul M. George, MD, PhD, FAAN

George_Paul_250x290.jpgPaul M. George, MD, PhD, FAAN, serves on the faculty at Stanford University as a vascular neurologist in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences. He is a physician-scientist focused on caring for neurology patients and improving neural recovery therapies. As faculty, he helped create a multi-disciplinary stroke recovery clinic at Stanford.

George received his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering at Tulane University. He then pursued his graduate studies earning a Master's from Johns Hopkins University and a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He attended medical school at Harvard University before completing his residency and fellowship at Stanford University, where he served as chief resident. He has spoken nationally and internationally on stroke and neural recovery―a topic for which he has received national research funding and written numerous articles and reviews. George is also involved in Stanford’s neuroscience graduate program, serving on the admission and DEIB committees, and teaching the first-year Responsible Conduct of Research course.

His lab applies bioengineering tools to better understand the brain’s recovery after stroke. His research group develops novel bioactive materials to interact with the nervous system. By modulating the recovering brain with these tools via electrical stimulation and stem cell therapies, his lab can decipher pathways of neural recovery. His lab then works to create translational therapeutics from these discoveries.

With the AAN, he was selected as a member of the inaugural class of the Emerging Leaders Forum. He has also served as a member and vice chair of the Science Committee and chair of the Research Program Subcommittee.