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Wayne E. Anderson, DO, FAHS, FAAn


Wayne E. Anderson, DO, FAAN, FAHS, is a neurologist subspecialty certified in headache and pain medicine. Since childhood, he knew he wanted to be a physician and work with the brain but did not know which path to take: psychiatry, neurology, or something related such as neuroradiology. However, after a few medical school rotations, it became clear: neurology.

After residency at University of California, Davis, he worked in both solo and group practice models, including a hybrid private practice within a hospital-based neurology center. The different practice models offered a unique understanding of the benefits and challenges of both employed and private practices.

He has been actively engaged in Academy projects, participating on the Practice Committee, eLearning Subcommittee, Advocacy Engagement Subcommittee, and in several work groups. He has represented the American Academy of Neurology in joint work groups in other specialties, including the American Board of Anesthesiology exam writing committee and the American Academy of Ophthalmology workforce on vision and concussion. A graduate of both the Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum and the Transforming Leaders Program, he is dedicated to the field of neurology and is passionate about ensuring the future of the profession. In addition to advocacy programs such as Neurology on the Hill, current projects include promoting awareness of the importance of neurology through public education.