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Message from AAN President: Impact of US Supreme Court Decision on Neurology Patients

June 26, 2022

Dear AAN Members,

Across AAN leadership, including our Board of Directors, committees, and subcommittees, we are closely tracking and discussing the impact of the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and how this decision impacts our mission to provide the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care.  

As many of our members are aware, the AAN has not had an official position statement on reproductive health services, however, the AAN does support all protections surrounding the physician-patient relationship.

Recently, the AAN signed on to and fully supported the policy statement Opposing Government Interference in the Patient-Physician Relationship developed by the Council for Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), of which the AAN is a member and one of 47 medical societies representing 800,000 physicians nationwide. CMSS also released this statement over the weekend in response to the Supreme Court ruling.

Please be assured the AAN will continue to support all protections surrounding the physician-patient relationship and we will keep our 38,000 members updated as our efforts to support these protections advance.


Orly Avitzur, MD, MBA, FAAN
President, American Academy of Neurology