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AAN President's Spotlight

A monthly video series from American Academy of Neurology President, Carlayne E. Jackson, MD, FAAN, quickly covering the latest from her and the AAN.

President's Spotlight: October 2024

View previous spotlight Videos

president's column ARCHIVES for current AAN president carlayne e. Jackson, MD, FAAN

December 2023: Sacco’s Legacy Expands Academy’s Commitment to Research

November 2023: We Are Investing in Delivering Greater Value to You—Our AAN Members

October 2023: A Brighter Brain Future: New Vision Set for Brain Health by 2050

September 2023: Testimony on New Alzheimer’s Drugs Continues the AAN’s Legacy of Advocacy

August 2023: 40,000 Reasons Why the AAN Is Driven to Succeed

July 2023: The End of the PHE: Persevering and Thriving in Neurology

June 2023: Missed This Annual Meeting? Don’t Miss The Next One!

May 2023: Opportunities, Encouragement, and Knowing One’s Self



April 2023: Looking Back and Ahead

March 2023: Brain Health Initiative Plays to AAN’s Public Education Strengths

February 2023: AAN Membership Builds Lasting Personal Friendships

January 2023: Join Us in Boston—or Live Online—for Our Exciting 75th Annual Meeting

December 2022: The Joy of Giving Through Volunteering

November 2022: AAN Advocacy Focuses on Prior Authorization Process: How You Can Help Now

October 2022: The Brain Health Summit: An Evolution of a Long Tradition of Public Education at the AAN 

September 2022: The Wide World of Neurology

August 2022: Expressions of Appreciation to a Besieged Workforce

July 2022: AAN Members Advocate for Research for Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19, the Third Leading Neurologic Disorder Today

June 2022: Reclaiming Our AAN Community in This Post-COVID World

May 2022: Neurologists Lead Grassroots Activist Campaigns to Help Ukraine

April 2022: For the Love of Science

March 2022: In Honor of Those Who Teach Us

February 2022: For the Love of Neurology

January 2022: New Year's Well Wishes

December 2021: The 2022 Annual Meeting in Seattle Will Be...

November 2021: Coming Together in Gratitude

October 2021: Your Voice Matters

September 2021: Neurology in the Time of COVID-19

August 2021: Welcome Back

July 2021: As US Restrictions Ease, India Enduring COVID Horrors

June 2021: Annual Meeting Underscores Changing Times for AAN

May 2021: Preparing for Our Renaissance