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ABPN REquirements

Learn more about the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Continuing Certification (CC) requirements and how the AAN can help you fulfill them.

ABPN Requirement Part I: Professional Standing

To show evidence of professional standing, the ABPN requires that diplomats must hold an active and unrestricted license to practice medicine in at least one state, commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States or province of Canada.

Such license must be maintained even if the physician is out of the country for extended periods of time. All medical licenses must be unrestricted.

You'll want to ensure that your licensure information is up-to-date in your ABPN Physician Folios.

ABPN Requirement Part II: CME, Self-Assessment, and PAtient Safety

To fulfill the Lifelong Learning (CME) requirement, diplomates of the ABPN must complete an average of 30 specialty and/or subspecialty CME credits per year, averaged over 3 years. Additionally, diplomats are required to participate in ABPN-approved Self-Assessment activities relevant to either their specialty and/or subspecialty. The amount of Self-Assessment CME credits required depends on the Continuing Certification (CC) Program in which the diplomate is currently enrolled. 

Diplomates must also fulfill a one-time Patient Safety Activity requirement during each CC cycle. 

AAN Resource: Patient Safety Course

AAN Self-Assessment Resources


AAN CME Resources

ABPN Requirement Part III: Cognitive Expertise

Diplomates of the ABPN fulfill the cognitive expertise component by passing a cognitive examination prior to the expiration date on their certificate. 

  • All current CC requirements must be satisfied at the time the CC application is submitted in order to sit for the cognitive examination.
  • A passing score on the cognitive examination automatically enrolls the diplomate into the Continuous Pathway to Lifelong Learning Program. 
  • To prepare for the CC cognitive examinations, a diplomate should keep current with research and developments in the respective field, read-specialty-specific journals, and practice guidelines, and attend relevant CME programs. 
  • CC Program participation includes meeting all CC requirements, not just passing the CC cognitive examination. 

AAN Resource: NeuroReady: Continuing Certification Edition

ABPN Requirement Part IV: Performance in Practice (PIP)

ABPN diplomates may choose ONE Clinical Module OR Feedback Module activity to complete the PIP Unit. The Clinical Module is a quality improvement exercise designed to identify and implement areas for improvement based on the review of one's own patient charts. For the Feedback Module, clinically active diplomates obtain personal feedback regarding their own clinical performance using questionnaire/surveys. 

PIP Clinical Component

PIP Feedback Component

For additional questions related to fulfilling CC requirements, access your Physician Folio or contact the ABPN