Fair Hearing Panel Committee


Reviews formal complaints submitted by the Grievance Committee in accordance with the AAN's Disciplinary Action Policy and, if warranted, determines the appropriate form of discipline to recommend to the Executive Committee of the AAN Board of Directors.

Chair: Lynne P. Taylor, MD, FAAN

Staff Liaison: John C. Hutchins, JD, General Counsel

Committee members:

  • Carmel Armon, MD, FAAN

  • Matthew Rizzo, MD, FAAN 

Apply to this Committee

Job Description


  • Individually review formal complaints submitted by the Grievance Committee.
  • Participate in a conference call with FHPC members to determine whether to further consider the complaint. One hour is generally allocated for this initial call.
  • If the complaint is further considered, the FHPC will participate in a subsequent conference call (or an in-person hearing) with the respondent to consider any additional information provided by the respondent and to allow the respondent to defend the complaint.
  • After hearing from the respondent, and after discussing all evidence submitted, the FHPC will determine the form of discipline warranted for the complaint and submit their recommendation to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
  • Occasionally, there may be an appeal by the respondent to the Executive Committee regarding the FHPC's recommended disciplinary action or procedure that would require an additional time commitment from the Committee members.


The FHPC is a standing committee of the AAN consisting of three persons (which includes the chair), plus one or more alternates, appointed by the AAN president. 

Meeting Schedule

The FHPC meets as often as necessary, dependent on caseload. Meetings have historically been held via conference call; however, there is the option of meeting in-person if the respondent so chooses.

Estimated Time Commitment

Preparation time to individually review formal complaints and respondent's response, and then one to five hours thereafter, per complaint, to participate in conference calls to discuss complaints and to recommend an appropriate form of discipline.  Estimate two to four complaints per year, based on history.

Committee Composition

The FHPC must include at least two Fellows of the AAN. The term of appointment is two years, which may be renewed. FHPC members whose terms have expired will continue to fulfill existing responsibilities to a case or cases under consideration, but will thereafter retire from the FHPC. All three members of the FHPC are voting members.

Committee Chair Job Description

In addition to the duties enumerated above, the chair of the Fair Hearing Panel Committee shall preside over, and faithfully administer, the “Fair Hearing Procedure” described in the Disciplinary Action Policy.


  • Work directly with AAN staff to request and distribute the required documentation for respondent and FHPC review.
  • Send notices of hearings to the respondent and FHPC members.
  • Determine whether to postpone the date of a hearing for a reasonable period of time if requested by any party for a worthy cause.
  • Determine whether observers may attend the hearing.
  • Present the FHPC witness list to the respondent.
  • Send a copy of the FHPC decision letter to the AAN president and the respondent.