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RITE Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some of the questions most frequently asked by residents and programs about the RITE (Residency In-service Training Examination). For additional questions, please contact us at theRITE@aan.com.

See answers about the exam:


Q: How do residents register for the RITE?
A: Residents typically are registered by their program directors and/or program coordinators. Registration for the RITE opens on September 24, 2024.

Q: What is the difference between PGY and NYIT and why does it matter how residents are registered?
A: PGY is a designation for a Post-Graduate Year, which is different than Neurology Year in Training (NYIT), as shown in the table below. If your residents are registered using their PGY designation, their score on the RITE will be compared to residents with 1 more year of neurology training. Rescoring to correct this error results in a $75.00 rescoring fee per resident.

  Adult Neurology Child Neurology Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
PGY1   Pediatrics Pediatrics
PGY2 NYIT1 Pediatrics Pediatrics
PGY6     NYIT4

Q: What should residents do if they need to cancel registration?

A: Residents should notify their program director or coordinator as soon as possible. 

Q: How can a resident request accommodation, if necessary?
A: Notify the program coordinator before being registered, as accommodation requests are made during registration. You will need to supply the type of accommodation requested as well as the rationale/verification/documentation of need as described here. You will be notified by the second week of January 2025 if your request has been approved. 

Q: Can practicing neurologists register for the RITE?
A: The RITE is designed for neurology residents to assess their current level of knowledge in neurology and neuroscience, identify areas for potential growth, and track progress throughout their residency.

For practicing neurologists interested in assessing their knowledge and areas for potential growth, we recommend NeuroSAE and Question of Day, which are both free to AAN members. NeuroReady: Continuing Certification Edition is also available for purchase at a discounted rate to members. All of these programs are specifically designed for practicing neurologists and have SA-CME credits available.

If you are a practicing neurologist still interested in registering for the RITE, please complete this form and submit it to theRITE@aan.com and your registration request will be reviewed.

Preparation for The Exam

Q: How can residents best prepare to take the exam?
A: Residents are encouraged to do the following:

  • Ensure the operating system of the device they are using is up to date.
  • Verify internet connectivity before test administration.
  • Check the Surpass Test Driver link before their testing date to ensure they can successfully access the login screen. 
  • Emphasize that they should not “test” their keycodes prior to taking the exam. This will start the timer on the exam.
  • Ensure all other browser windows are closed before launching the RITE.

Q: Can residents take the RITE at home?
A: The 2025 RITE will be administered at the resident’s institution in a proctored environment unless the program determines otherwise.

Q: Do residents need to download Secure Client to take the test?
A: No, the RITE will be delivered through Surpass Test Driver, a web-based application. No PIN is needed.

Q: Can residents take the exam at any time during the testing window?
A: Yes, however, programs are encouraged to have residents take the RITE according to the date/time designated by their program director or program coordinator. This way program coordinators can easily deliver exam keycodes, monitor exam progress, and verify responses have been successfully uploaded after test completion.

Q: Do residents, program directors, and program coordinators need to sign the online nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) as in past years?
A: Program directors and coordinators no longer need to sign the NDA, as neither has access to the test questions. The NDA for residents will be presented as soon as they log in to the exam. They cannot proceed to the RITE unless they agree to maintain the test’s confidentiality. 

Q: How do program directors access and print the Invigilation Pack?
A: Instructions on how to access and print the Invigilation Pack are included in the 2025 RITE Institution Guidelines & Proctor's Manual. This should be done well in advance of exam administration days. Note: You must print separate Invigilation Packs for adult and child neurology programs. These cannot be printed together.

Q: Do program coordinators need to record whether residents “show up” for the test on the Attendance Roster?
A: Yes, this information is needed for the Invigilation Report after test administration. AAN needs the Invigilation Report from all programs to ensure the candidate census matches the scoring data. Also, mark ABS on the report for those residents who are registered but do not take the exam.

Q: Will test administration support, including keycode verification, be available at all times during the testing window?
A: No, technical support will be available only during business hours on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. CT.

Note: AAN staff cannot troubleshoot hardware, software, or internet connectivity issues with resident personal computers.

Exam Administration

Q: Is the RITE timed?
A: Yes, the RITE is to be taken in one session within an 8-hour total administration time.

Q: How do residents take breaks, including a lunch break?  
A: Since the timer runs consecutively for 8 hours, programs have flexibility in planning a longer lunch break or several shorter breaks. The total amount of time to take the exam is the same; the 8-hour timer includes both testing time and break time. Residents can take breaks between sections and/or at their discretion (or at the program’s discretion). 

Q: Will the exam be paused for breaks? 
A: No, exams will not be paused during breaks, as the timer runs continuously; the additional hour on the timer allows for all breaks.  

Q: When and how will residents receive test keycodes? 
A: A unique eight-digit keycode will be provided to residents by their program coordinator immediately before the scheduled exam administration.

Programs should determine the best and most secure way of distribution, but it is recommended that the program coordinator confirm that each keycode is given directly to the resident taking the exam and that the identity on the keycode is verified by the resident. Residents should not give keycodes to one another nor should the list of program keycodes be emailed as a group or posted on a website. 

Note: Residents need to keep their keycode available as it needs to be entered before each part of the exam.

Q: What if the resident gets an “Invalid Keycode” error message and cannot access the test?
A: Residents should verify with their program coordinator that they have the correct assigned key code and then re-enter it.

Q: What if the keycode error message continues?
A: Residents are recommended to turn off the computer, wait a minute or two, confirm internet connectivity, and then log back in to Surpass Test Driver again. The only reason a keycode would appear invalid is if it is entered incorrectly. If the keycode problem persists, the resident should notify the program coordinator for verification of the code.

Q: What if internet connectivity is lost while taking the exam? Will residents lose their work? 
A: In the case of a brief internet outage, the exam will upload and refresh once the internet connection is restored. Responses are saved every 30 seconds and between questions; therefore, the most lost would be 30 seconds of work. The test may return to a question within a section you were working on before the outage. The timer will also be restored with no time lost.  

Internet outages should be reported on the Invigilation Report and reported to theRITE@aan.com within 10 days of the last day of exam administration.

Q: What if a resident accidentally exits a section of the exam before finishing?
A: Residents are prompted three times before they exit a section of the exam; they cannot return to that section once they exit.

Q: Should program coordinators still monitor resident progress using the Invigilation screen?
A: Yes, exam progress can be monitored in real-time, as described in the RITE Institution Guidelines and Proctor's Manual.

Q: What if the program coordinator accidentally signs out of Surpass? Will it affect residents taking the test?
A: No, simply log back in to continue monitoring the exam. 

Note: If program coordinators are inactive in Surpass for more than 15 minutes, they will need to log back in. Refresh the screen frequently.


Q: How do program coordinators verify that residents have finished the exam and their responses have been uploaded?
A: Residents should contact their program coordinators after they have completed their exams to verify their responses have been successfully uploaded. Review the "State" column to ensure that there is a green checkmark for all residents who completed the exam that day. This confirms their responses have been uploaded. You do not need to select the “Upload Responses” button at the bottom of the Invigilation screen.

Refer to the RITE Institution Guidelines & Proctor's Manual for additional information.


Q: When and how will scores be received?
A: Scores typically are available approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the end of testing. Residents will receive an email with a link to their individual score report. Program directors also receive an email with a link to the program summary report, the All-Examinee report, and the Missing Item report for their program.

Note: if the program director or residents have opted out of receiving AAN emails, they will not receive RITE communications.

Q: Why does it take so long to receive score reports?
A: Scoring does not begin until all registered residents have taken the exam. Once all responses are collected and recorded, the results are reviewed and analyzed to ensure no anomalies or errors occurred. Once the results are confirmed and approved, scores are aggregated to calculate percentile ranks for individual residents and for programs. This process requires several weeks to complete.

Q: What if the program coordinator doesn’t receive the email with the link to the score report or the Discussion and Reference Manual?
A: Emails with links to the score report and Discussion and Reference Manual are sent approximately 6 weeks after the close of testing. If you have opted out of receiving AAN emails, or if you have several different email addresses, you may not receive this communication with the links. If you do not receive a link to your score report or to the Manual by May 15, 2025, contact AAN at theRITE@aan.com.


Q: What if a resident requests a testing accommodation?
A: Ask residents as soon as possible if they plan to request a testing accommodation. You can request the accommodation during registration by checking the box in the line where the resident’s name appears. Download the Application for Testing Accommodation when completing your program’s registration.

Q: What is required for an accommodation request and where should the request be submitted?
A: The process of applying and the documentation requirements are listed below. Required documentation includes completion of the Application for Testing Accommodations and the appropriate checklist documents. 

Q: When is the deadline for submitting the application and all necessary documentation? 
A: December 20, 2024.