Electronic Health Record Resources


Access the AAN's Electronic Health Record (EHR) resources for information, templates, and educational programming.


Patient Pre-Visit Questionnaires

The AAN has developed standardized questionnaires that can be converted to templates in your EHR*. They are disease-specific, incorporate AAN guidelines and quality measures, and have been vetted by clinical experts.

Read tips for using the patient pre-visit questionnaires.


E/M Templates

View the AAN's inpatient and outpatient templates for documenting E/M services.

Sharing Notes 

Sharing Notes: Stay updated on changing regulations and requirements, such as the 21st Century Cures Act, Information Blocking, and core data for interoperability, and learn what to consider when sharing electronic health information.


The 2019 CMS Final Rule for Year 3 participation in the Promoting Interoperability category of MIPS requires 2015 Education CEHRT. Review the Certified Health IT Product List to check what edition your EHR is certified to.

AAN Top 5: Key Facts about Interoperability 

AAN Top 5: Things to Know About Promoting Interoperability

Using an EHR

Choosing an ehr

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing an EHR System: Learn from AAN member experts about things to keep in mind when choosed an EHR | AANnews, July 2018

How to Select and Implement an EHR in a Neurology Practice: Learn from AAN member experts how a successful EHR implementation can benefit a neurology organization | Neurology Clinical Practice, April 2013

Vendor Evaluation Matrix Tool: HealthIT.gov published this matrix tool to help organizations identify and prioritize various EHR features and components. The tool allows for easy evaluation of features from up to three EHR vedors | HealthIT.gov

Choosing an EHR: Cloud v. On Premise EHRs: EHR Intelligence compares and contrasts having an EHR system hosted in the cloud vs. on organizational servers | EHR Intelligence, August 2018

9 Essential Principles of Software Usability for EMRs: The Health Information and Management Systems Society published nine guidelines to identify software usability, which can be directly applied when evaluating EHR systems | HIMSS, April 2015

EHR Selection and Purchase: Published as part of its Steps Forward initiative, the AMA created this module with helpful step-by-step guidance for navigating the process of choosing an EHR. Steps include determining practice needs, evaluating types of EHRs, and selecting a vendor | AMA Steps Forward, March 2015


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