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Quality of Life Outcome for Patients with Neurologic Conditions

Measure Purpose: To review whether the patient's quality of life has been maintained or improved

The numerator: Patients whose PROMIS Global Health-10 score(1)* at twelve months (+/-60 days) was maintained or improved from the index score^.*For patients with more than 2 scores present at twelve months (+/- 60 days) the last score recorded shall be compared to the index visit score.

is divided by

The denominator: Patients aged 18 years and older diagnosed with neurologic condition

Required Exclusions: 

  • Patients who died
  • Second PROMIS Global Health-10 score not collected at twelve months (+/-60 days)

Allowable Exclusions

  • Patient unable to communicate and no knowledgeable informant available. Suggested key phrases to locate exclusions are:
    • “Unable to communicate; no proxy/care partner available”
    • “Unable to communicate and no proxy/care partner available”

Key Phrases

Example of key phrases you might use to meet the measure:

  • Global Health 10 [followed by numerical score]
  • Global Health 10 improved
  • Global Health 10 maintained

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Anderson saw 100 patients from January 1 to December 31 of the measurement year. This is the denominator. Two patients had died and 10 had not returned for a visit to complete the questionnaire for a second time. These patients are removed from the denominator.

Of the remaining 88 patients, 30 had improved or maintained their Global Health 10 scores throughout the measurement year. This is the numerator.

Quality of care = 30/(100-12). Dr. Anderson has a score of 34% for this measure.