Child Neurology

Quality Measures

Find measures to improve care for your child and adolescent patients.

Child Neurology Measures (2016)

2018 Podcast

2017 Publication

2017 Clinician Summary

2016 Measurement Set

American Epilepsy Society Performance Improvement CME Module

Measure Specifications

First Line Treatment for Infantile Spasms

Rescue Seizure Therapy for Children with Epilepsy

Time to Third Line Therapy for RCSE

Neuropsychological/neurodevelopmental Screening

Screening for Co-morbid Conditions of TD or TS

Management of Co-morbid Symptoms of TD or TS

Behavioral Therapy for Chronic TD or TS

Transition from Pediatric Neurology to Adult Neurology

Psychological Interventions for Chronic Headache

BoNT-A for Spasticity and Dystonia

Genetic Testing for GDD

Inpatient and Emergency (2015)

2017 Publication

2017 Editorial

2017 Summary for Clinicians

2015 Measurement Set

Multiple Sclerosis (2014)

Reaffirmed July 29, 2017

2015 Publication

2015 Webinar

2014 Measurement Set

Measure Specifications

Epilespy (2017)

2018 Publication

2017 Measurement Set


Headache (2013)

2015 Publication

2013 Measurement Set

Measure Specifications

Muscular Dystrophy (2013)

Reaffirmed October 27, 2017

2015 Publication

2015 Webinar

2013 Measurement Set

Measure Specifications

Measures Under Development

Inpatient & Emergency - Work group forming 2022

General Neurology - Work group forming 2022

Child Neurology - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

Stroke - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

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