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Querying for co-Morbid Conditions of TD and TS (follow up added)

Measure Purpose: Identify co-morbid conditions of tic disorder and Tourette syndrome and treat or refer to treatment

The numerator: Patients who were queried for symptoms of psychological and/or behavioral co-morbid conditions* at least once per year, and if present, patient was treated* or referred* for treatment of co-morbid conditions

*See full specifications for additional details

is divided by

The denominator: All patients aged < 18 years with the diagnosis of TD* or TS who do not have an existing diagnosis of a comorbid condition

Exclusions are removed from the denominator for:

  • Patient/caregiver refuse


Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure:


  • Querying for co-morbid conditions
  • Querying for psychological conditions


  • Treatment plan reviewed
  • Prescription written or dose adjusted

Must document evaluation for co-morbid conditions, and if present, must document a recommended follow-up


Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Ortiz has 18 patients under the age of 18 with a tic disorder or Tourette syndrome who do not have an existing diagnosis of a co-morbid condition from January 1 to December 31 of the measurement year. This is the denominator. One patient refuses referral. This patient is removed from the denominator.

Of the remaining 17 patients, all of them were queried for symptoms of psychological and behavioral co-morbid conditions but only 4 of them were treated or referred for treatment.

Quality of care = 4/(18-1). Dr. Ortiz has a score of 23% for this measure.