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Collaborate With the AAN on Member Research

The application period is closed.

The Member Research Subcommittee (MRS) has created an open call for member research project assistance that strategically aligns with the AAN mission. This new process provides an innovative way for members to help the AAN achieve its long-term mission by collaborating with the MRS and AAN Member Insights staff to conduct the research.

Applications will ask for the primary goals of the research, key questions to be asked of members, motivation for the research, AAN mission alignment, research methods (e.g., survey, focus groups, interviews) and analysis, and dissemination of results.


  • The applicant must not be a current member of an AAN Committee or Subcommittee.
  • The applicant must be a current member of the AAN
  •  The applicant must submit a successful application by the deadline and before the maximum number of applications has been received (see below for How to Apply and Important Dates)

Evaluation and Selection

Applications are evaluated and scored by the MRS based on the following criteria:

  • Originality of research (20%)
  • Feasibility of proposal (20%)
  • Alignment with AAN Mission (20%)
  • Potential influence on neurology:
    • Size of population affected (10%)
    • Importance to population (10%)
    • Focus on underrepresented or marginalized populations* (10%)
  • Stage of career—preference given to those in early career** (10%)

How to Apply

  • Review the Evaluation and Selection criteria (see above)
  • Complete a thorough application as soon as possible; the application window will close once 15 applications have been received or on August 31, whichever comes first

*The AAN is committed to being a fully inclusive, deliberately diverse, and anti-racist organization. This includes supporting research efforts to eliminate health disparities among underrepresented and marginalized populations.
**The AAN also recognizes challenges faced by those early in their career and aims to support the development of members starting out in their career.