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Maltreatment Action

Measure Purpose: To ensure the safety of patients with neurological disease

The numerator: Patients that had documentation that follow-up action* was taken at the visit where maltreatment screening is positive.


  • Mandated report as required by the state the provider is practicing in
  • Referral to counseling or social services if maltreatment does not rise to the level of a mandated report

is divided by

The denominator: All patients with a neurological condition that screened positive for maltreatment

Exclusions: None

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you might use to meet this measure:

  • Report was made
  • Referral to counseling
  • Referral to social services

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Colombo saw 100 patients with neurological diseases between January 1 and December 31 of the measurement year. Of those 100 patients, 30 screened positive for maltreatment. This is the denominator. 

Of those 30 patients, 20 had a follow-up action taken at the visit where maltreatment screening was positive. 

Quality of care =20/30. Dr. Colombo has a score of 66% for this measure.