Advocacy Committee


Recommends priorities for the Academy's federal and state advocacy agendas and directs member efforts to influence health policy.

Chair: Bruce H. Cohen, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: Michael E. Markowski, DO, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Matt Kerschner, MPA, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Policy

Job Description

The Advocacy Committee provides strategic direction to execute the AAN’s policy priorities at all levels of government. It employs a holistic approach to maximize the AAN’s impact, including taking legislative and regulatory action, forging partnerships, engaging advocates, and fostering issue campaigns, as needed. It positions the AAN as a key player in Washington, DC, and in state capitals in advocating for the profession and patients with neurological disease.  

Committee Responsibilities

  • Use analytic tools to inform advocacy strategies and to customize key advocacy initiatives
  • Develop and guide the implementation of issue campaigns for key priorities
  • Evaluate advocacy tools and methods to refine future strategy
  • Identify key stakeholders and recommend partnerships needed to achieve policy priorities

Individual Responsibilities

  • Attend two in-person meetings and two to three virtual meetings or calls each year
    • Participate annually in Neurology on the Hill or AAN Legislative Summit
    • Attend advocacy events during the AAN’s Annual Meeting, as schedule permits
  • Be familiar with major health care policy issues, including those specific to neurology
  • Cultivate personal relationships with key policymakers
  • Participate in discussions and votes on the Committee listserv
  • Help educate AAN members about advocacy activities and programs


Committee members are appointed by the AAN President Elect and may serve up to three, two-year terms. The chair and vice-chair may serve up to an additional three, two-year terms.

Meeting Schedule

The Advocacy Committee meets in January and in September.

Estimated Time Commitment

Eight hours per month in addition to two in-person meetings and two to three virtual events/calls a year.

Committee Composition

The Advocacy Committee is made up of 17 voting members, including:

  • A chair and vice chair
  • The chair of each subcommittee of the Advocacy Committee:
    • Health Policy Subcommittee
    • Advocacy Engagement Subcommittee
  • The chair of the BrainPAC Executive Committee
  • The chair of the AAN's Delegation to the AMA
  • 11 at-large members
  • Members with strong advocacy experience