Emerging Issues in Neurology

Quality Resources

Emerging Issues in Neurology documents are intended to provide guidance from a panel of expert authors about new or emerging issues that have immediate implications for the care of patients with neurologic disorders. These documents are different from clinical practice guidelines and Evidence in Focus products as outlined in the table below.

Current Emerging Issues in Neurology Articles

Policy and Procedure Manual

The AAN Quality Committee launched the Emerging Issues in Neurology document type in 2022 to meet clinician needs. Learn more about how these documents are developed.

Read the Policy and Procedure Manual

Emerging Issues in Neurology Topic Nomination

To submit an idea for an Emerging Issues in Neurology document, fill out the form below. Before you submit a topic, please review the information on this page to ensure your topic is appropriate for this type of document. All topics are reviewed by the Quality Committee on a rolling basis. If you would like to submit a topic for a clinical practice guideline or an Evidence in Focus document, you can do so here. Reach out to quality@aan.com with questions.

Submit an Emerging Issues in Neurology Topic

How do Emerging Issues in Neurology documents differ from clinical practice guidelines and Evidence in Focus documents?
  Guideline Evidence in Focus Emerging Issues in Neurology
Average Time to Publication 4–7 years 10–20 months 6–12 months
Developed by AAN Quality Committee     X
Developed by AAN Guidelines Subcommittee X X  

Patient or Caregiver Representation

X X Possible but not required
Project Development Plan with PICO Questions X Limited to 1 PICO  
Literature Review X X  
Modified GRADE Evidence Synthesis X When possible  
Public Comment X    
Evidence-based Recommendations X    
FDA Labeling Discussion   X  
Clinical Context X X X


Contact the Quality Team with questions or to request more information.

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