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Global Strategies Subcommittee

The Global Strategies Subcommittee provides strategic direction on the Academy’s global initiatives. This includes member recruitment, retention, and engagement strategies; support expanding the AAN’s global presence and outreach; and collaboration with international neurology organizations.

Chair: Orly Avitzur, MD, MBA, FAAN

Vice Chair: Svetlana Faktorovich, MD

Staff Liaison: Suzanne Henn, Global Strategy Manager

Job Description


  • Determines strategies for international membership segmentation, recruitment, and retention
  • Guides the Academy in the international membership experience
  • Advances recommendations from the AAN Board of Directors related to global outreach and support
  • Supports the needs of members across all income classes and regions of the world
  • Provides strategic direction on partnerships and strengthening relationships with international and regional societies
  • Evaluates AAN value proposition for members outside the US
  • Evaluates and makes organizational recommendations on customized and translated AAN member benefits for specific regions of the world
  • Supports international programs, including but not limited to the AAN International Scholarship Program and the AAN Small Grants Program
  • Leads direction for global conflict and issues direction in consultation with AAN Board of Directors

Meeting Schedule

  • Attend two meetings each year:
    • Virtual meeting in the fall (up to two hours)
    • In-person April meeting at the Annual Meeting (two hours)
  • Participate in discussions and email votes as relevant issues arise throughout the year.

Estimated Time Commitment

One hour per month plus meetings.

Committee Composition

The Global Strategy Subcommittee is representative of AAN membership, with up to 15 members including the following (members can fill multiple roles when applicable):

  • Member from each income class and region of the world (based on World Bank Classifications)
  • Member from several major AAN committees
  • Member with experience in AAN publications
  • Additional members assigned at large