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Contraindicated Dopamine-Blocking Medications

Measure purpose: Reduce the number of patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) prescribed dopamine-blocking medications.

The numerator: patients with PD prescribed a contraindicated dopamine-blocking agent (i.e., anti-psychotic, anti-nausea, anti-GERD)

is divided by

The denominator: patients with a diagnosis of PD.


  • Patients taking Quetiapine or Clozapine

*This is an inverse measure. A low score indicates high quality.

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:

  • Prescription for dopamine blocking agent

*Medication codes are used to meet the numerator and exclusions

Measure Calculation Example

This is an inverse measure where a lower score equals better performance.

Dr. Jones sees 100 patients between January 1 and December 31 that were diagnosed with a PD. This is the denominator.

Of the 100 patients, Dr. Jones prescribed 33 patients a dopamine-blocking medication. This is the numerator.

Quality of patient care = 33/100. Dr. Jones has a score of 33% for this measure.