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AAN Policy on Position Statement Topics

On June 21, 2024, the American Academy of Neurology and American Academy of Neurology Institute Boards of Directors approved revisions to the Policy on Position Statements that declare the following:

Moving forward, the Academy will only consider issuing official position statements on topics: ​

  1. Specific to neurology, or ​
  2. Regarding health care delivery or public health if the following requirements are met: ​
    1. The impact on neurology is either great enough to require an Academy statement or the impact on neurology is not sufficiently addressed by other stakeholders on the topic (e.g., other associations); and​
    2. The direct impact on neurology is described/explained in the Academy position statement.

The AAN considers short, declarative statements reacting to national or international issues to be official position statements, as well as sign-on letters, and traditional position statements as currently posted on AAN.com.