Requirement: Patient Care

Quality Resources

Requirement: Patient Care
ACGME Objective AAN Resources
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients and their families.

Practice Management Webinars

Quick Webinar

• Breaking Bad News, Anna Hohler, MD, FAAN

Patient Resources

• Patient Education Brochures

•  Patient Education Videos

•  Brain & Life®

Gather essential and accurate information about their patients.

Quick Webinar

• Embedding Quality Measures in the History and Physical, Michael Phipps, MD, MHS

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, up-to-date scientific evidence, and clinical judgment.

Quick Webinar

• Shared Decision Making, Adam Webb, MD

Case Study

• Using Clinical Decision Support

• Reviewing Literature for Strength of Evidence

Practice Resources

• AAN Guidelines


Develop and carry out patient management plans.  
Counsel and educate patients and their families.

Practice Management Webinar

• Communication Strategies That Help Patients Understand

Patient Resources

Patient Education Brochures

Patient Education Videos

Brain & Life®

Use information technology to support patient care decisions and patient education.

Case Study

• Using Clinical Decision Support

Practice Resources

AAN Guidelines

AAN Health Information Technology Resources


Patient Resources

• Patient Education Brochures

Patient Education Videos

Brain & Life®


• AAN-developed Apps (App Store, Google Play)


Perform competently all medical and invasive procedures considered essential for the area of practice.

Quick Webinar

• Medical Error 

Provide health care services aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining health.  
Work with health care professionals, including those from other disciplines, to provide patient-focused care.

 Practice Management Webinar

Measuring and Improving your Patients' Experience

Communication Strategies That Help Patients Understand

Working Effectively with Advanced Practice Providers

Case Study

• Using TeamSTEPPS

• Using SBAR

Patient Resources

Continuum audio content - "Communication challenges in transitions in care" Jessical Lee, MD published June 2014

Patient Education Brochures

Patient Education Videos

Brain & Life®