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Advocacy Engagement Subcommittee

The Advocacy Engagement Subcommittee directs member efforts to influence health policy on the federal and state levels. It facilitates the participation of AAN members and stakeholders to further AAN policy priorities. The Subcommittee oversees the AAN’s advocacy and outreach programs, including Neurology on the Hill, the Donald M. Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum, and support for state neurological societies. Finally, the Subcommittee is tasked with member education and promotion of the AAN’s advocacy activities. It reports to the Advocacy Committee.

Chair: David B. Watson, MD, FAAN 

Vice Chair: Sarah Song, MD, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Dave Showers, Manager, Advocacy Development 


Committee Responsibilities

  • Guide the evolution and implementation of key initiatives including:
    • Neurology on the Hill
    • Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum
    • State Neurosocieties
  • Develop and implement patient advocacy engagement strategy in support of AAN policy priorities.
  • Oversee grassroots advocacy opportunities.
  • Regularly evaluate advocacy activity data to guide future strategies.

Individual Responsibilities

  • Attend one in-person meeting each year and two to three virtual meetings or calls.
    • Participate in Neurology on (or Off) the Hill each year.
    • Attend advocacy events during the AAN’s Annual Meeting, as schedule permits.
  • Have direct advocacy experience and expertise.
  • Be familiar with the AAN’s policy priorities and positions.
  • Create personal relationships with policymakers and/or state medical society legislative committees or staff.
  • Use the AAN’s congressional contact program, and regularly respond to AAN action alerts.
  • Provide feedback on marketing and communication strategies and evaluate the effectiveness of advocacy outreach to members.
  • Participate in discussions and votes on the subcommittee listserv.


Subcommittee members are appointed by the AAN president and may serve up to three two-year terms. The chair and vice chair may serve up to an additional three two-year terms.

Meeting Schedule

September (Sunday-Monday) in Washington, DC.

Estimated Time Commitment

Six hours per month in addition to one virtual meeting per quarter and one in-person meeting in September.

Committee Composition

The Advocacy Engagement Subcommittee is made up of 11 voting members, including:

  • Chair and vice chair
  • Nine at-large members
  • Members representing a diverse portfolio of personal advocacy experience