Brain Health Committee

AAN Committees

The Brain Health Committee is charged with providing strategic direction for the AAN’s Brain Health Initiative, the organization’s multidisciplinary vision for brain health throughout the life span. Additionally, the committee serves as the coordinating entity responsible for the execution of the initiative’s programmatic elements. The committee is comprised of AAN members who bring expertise in the initiative’s key focus areas: science, patient care, public policy, and education of the public.

Chair: David A. Evans, MBA

Vice Chair: Natalia S. Rost, MD, MPH, FAHA, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Nicole Lussier, Public Engagement Program Manager

Apply to this Committee



  • Develops and maintains a strategic plan for the AAN’s Brain Health Initiative.
  • Oversees AAN brain health programming across the initiative’s focus areas including:
    • Scientific Discovery
    • Patient Care
    • Public Policy
    • Public Education
  • Develops and maintains the initiative’s strategy for cross collaboration and partnership with external stakeholders.


The Chair and members of the committee are appointed by the AAN President. 

Member Responsibilities

  • Attend three meetings per year (two in person and one virtually).
  • Attend and participate in the AAN’s Brain Health Summit scheduled for September of each year.
  • Serve as a resource or liaison to other AAN committees and external collaborators. This may include, but is not limited to, overseeing aspects of collaboration, attending meetings of collaborating groups, and guiding programs through the AAN’s organizational processes.

Estimated Time Commitment

Three meetings per year, plus project-specific work.

Committee Composition

The committee composition may include the following members: 

  • Editor-in-Chief, Brain & Life®
  • Representative from Advocacy Committee
  • Representative from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Representative from Quality Committee
  • Representative from Education Committee
  • Representative from Medical Economics and Practice Committee
  • Representative from Quality Informatics Subcommittee
  • Representative from Science Committee
  • Members of the AAN and AANI Board of Directors