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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Chair: Nimish A. Mohile, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: Roy Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Wendy Vokaty, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

JOB Description

The DEI Committee’s primary role is to communicate to membership and leadership, the importance of DEI in practice, education, and research and to provide evidence for the AAN’s progress in DEI with a goal of being a fully inclusive, deliberately diverse, and anti-racist organization.  The chair of this committee has a seat on the Board of Directors.

Committee Responsibilities

  • To ensure a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion across membership, governance, education, and policy, the DEI Committee will advise and assist in the creation of the DEI strategy, milestones, and metrics related to committee objectives and the AAN strategic plan.
  • Support and promote education, training, and events to bring awareness to DEI within AAN governance and membership.

Meeting Schedule

  • Attend two in-person meetings.
  • Attend virtual committee calls quarterly or as needed.
  • Participate in email votes as relevant issues arise throughout the year. 

Committee Composition

The DEI Committee is representative of AAN members who specialize or have an interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within their program or practice. It consists of 17 members.