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Guidelines Subcommittee

Oversees the development, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based systematic reviews, practice advisories, and clinical practice guidelines.

Chair: Alexander D. Rae-Grant, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: John J. Halperin, MD, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Kylie Botchway-Doe, Guideline Development Manager

Job Description

The Guidelines Subcommittee oversees the development, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based systematic reviews, practice advisories, and clinical practice guidelines. The Guidelines Subcommittee reports to the Quality Committee.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Assess and respond to guideline development, dissemination, and implementation environment, organizational priorities, and member needs.
  • Develop evidence-based documents (systematic reviews, practice advisories, and clinical practice guidelines) following the AAN guideline development process.
  • Collaborate with appropriate external organizations, AAN committees, and AAN subcommittees; a close collaboration exists with the Quality Committee and its respective subcommittees.
  • Continually work to improve the efficiency, output, and rigor of the AAN’s guideline development, dissemination, and implementation processes.
  • Understand the current Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) landscape to ensure final products address diversity and equity considerations and to improve the development process to address DEI considerations, as appropriate.

Member Responsibilities

  • Serve as an author on three or more guideline panels.
  • Facilitate and execute one to two guideline dissemination plans, which include the development of guideline-based tools (clinician and patient/family summaries, presentation slides, clinical case examples) and more on a project-by-project basis.
  • Contribute to the continued improvement of guideline development, dissemination, and implementation processes by participating in various work group projects.
  • Adhere to the AAN Author Agreement.
  • Attend 75% of face-to-face and virtual meetings held each year, an estimated 4 meetings annually.
  • Check and respond to emails in a timely manner.
  • Vote on subcommittee motions during meetings and via email communications.
  • Act as a liaison to other committees, subcommittees, or external organizations.
  • Copy AAN staff on all subcommittee-related correspondence.

Estimated Time Commitment

10 hours per month in addition to meeting attendance.


Subcommittee members are appointed by the AAN President-Elect.

Committee Composition

  • 29 voting members, including the following:
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • 27 at-large members
  • One ex-officio member (non-voting)
  • Chair of Quality Committee (non-voting)
  • AAN EBM methodology consultants (non-voting)