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Health Policy Subcommittee

The Health Policy Subcommittee studies and evaluates the AAN’s health policy needs—both legislative and regulatory. It develops formal advocacy positions on key issues; provides subject matter expertise to assist in the development of comment letters, educational content, and other guidance for policymakers; and reviews relevant policy proposals and provides expert feedback. The subcommittee reports to the Advocacy Committee. 

Chair: David A. Evans, MBA

Vice Chair: Justin T. Jordan, MD, MPH, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Madeline Turbes, MPH, Health Policy Manager

Job Description

Committee Responsibilities

  • Solicit member feedback and make annual recommendations to the AAN Board of Directors on federal and state advocacy priorities
  • Provide rapid feedback on emergent health policy issues
  • Provide content expertise to inform the development of all formal advocacy positions taken by the AAN including comment letters and position statements

Individual Responsibilities

  • Attend one in-person meeting each year and two to three virtual meetings or calls
    • Participate in one policy event a year (e.g., Hill or administrative meeting, Neurology on the Hill, or other local events)
    • Schedule permitting, attend advocacy events during the AAN’s Annual Meeting
  • Be familiar with major health policy issues, particularly those specific to neurology
  • Assist in identifying legislative issues of importance to neurology
  • If requested, participate in the drafting of advocacy issue position statements for approval by the AAN Board of Directors
  • Create and maintain relationships with target policymakers and/or stakeholder groups
  • Participate in discussions and votes on the subcommittee listserv
  • Help educate AAN members about AAN policy positions
  • Facilitate regular committee, subcommittee, section, and member feedback on AAN’s current and future policy priorities


Committee members are appointed by the AAN President Elect and may serve up to three two-year terms. The chair and vice chair may serve up to an additional three two-year terms. One seat on the subcommittee will serve as a SAGSA representative and will follow the term limits of the representative entity.

Meeting Schedule

Meets in first quarter in person, and subsequent quarters virtually (Friday-Saturday).

Estimated Time Commitment

10 hours per month in addition to one virtual meeting per quarter and one in-person meeting in January.

Committee Composition

The subcommittee is made up of 16 voting members, including:

  • Chair and vice chair
  • Members with strong expertise in health policy and demonstrated neurology practice expertise
  • One SAGSA Representative