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Practice Management & Technology Subcommittee

The Practice Management & Technology Subcommittee (PM&T) of the Medical Economics and Practice Committee (MEP) helps the Academy members use health information technology (HIT) to enhance patient care and physician efficiency in care, educates the Academy members about how to run a good business and simplify their practice and supports an increased involvement of neurologists' office staff in the Academy activities.

Chair: Allan Ding Wu, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: Leeann Garms

Staff Liaison: Becky Wolf, Manager, Practice Management

Job Description


  • Engage and support Business Administrators and other members interested in the business of neurology through education and networking opportunities to help organizations thrive in the changing healthcare landscape.
  • Assist organizations to utilize and optimize Health Information Technology (HIT) by developing operational resources, providing thought leadership through representation on national HIT committees, and building relationships with EHR vendors to develop advances in technology, improve functionality for neurologists, and capture and leverage quality data.
  • Advance neurology organizations through practice management resources, including benchmarking data, to identify solutions for navigating organizational challenges.
  • Educate AAN members on practice management and HIT best practices including Electronic Health Record (EHR) optimization/workflows, regulatory issues such as Promoting Interoperability in MIPS and Information Blocking, organizational optimization, and other current trends in the business of neurology.
  • Provide subject matter expertise for regulatory advocacy efforts that support policies to help practices thrive, reduce administrative burden, and advance Health Information Technology.

Member Responsibilities

  • Attend one in-person meeting per year in the summer and approximately three virtual meetings.
  • In collaboration with AAN staff, submit status reports on project work prior to the agenda deadline for each PM&T meeting and provide a report to the full subcommittee at the meeting.
  • Participate in the PM&T listserv discussions, provide input on timely issues, and check and respond to emails at least once a week.
  • Copy AAN staff on all subcommittee-related correspondence.
  • Generate and participate in discussions on the Business Administrators and EHR Synapse communities.
  • Serve as liaison to other medical specialty societies or organizations as needed. This may include, but is not limited to, overseeing aspects of the collaboration, attending meetings of the collaborating group, and guiding projects through the AAN approval process.


Appointments are made by the AAN President.

Meeting Schedule

The subcommittee meets in person one time per year in the summer. The subcommittee also has virtual meetings approximately three times a year, each lasting one to two hours.

Estimated Time Commitment

Six hours per month, one face-to-face meeting, and the remaining work is done over email and/or conference calls.

Committee Composition

PM&T includes 13 members, including the following:

  • Business Administrators from the private and academic settings
  • Health information technology perspective
  • An expert in technology and practice management
  • An APP