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Quality Measures Subcommittee

The Quality Measures Subcommittee develops quality measures for neurological care and implements measures into payer and quality improvement initiatives. The Quality Measure Subcommittee reports to the Quality Committee. 

Chair: Adam Webb, MD, FAAN

Vice Chair: Anant Shenoy, MD, FAAN 

Staff Liaison: Erin Lee, CPHQ, Measure Development Manager

Job Description

Committee Responsibilities

  • Assess and respond to measure development and implementation, organizational priorities, and member needs.
  • Develop clinical quality measures following the AAN measure development process.
  • Collaborate with appropriate external organizations, AAN committees, and AAN subcommittees to implement AAN clinical quality measures in payer programs and quality improvement initiatives.
  • Test AAN measures for reliability, feasibility, and validity.
  • Submit measures to national endorsement organizations, as appropriate.
  • Continually work to improve the efficiency, output, and rigor of the AAN’s clinical quality measures process.

Member Responsibilities

  • Serve as methodological facilitators for measure development work groups.
  • Contribute to projects such as small group initiatives, Annual Meeting course planning, and other collaborations.
  • Attend face-to-face meeting(s) each year.
  • Attend quarterly subcommittee calls.
  • Participate in subcommittee listserv discussions and check and respond to emails in a timely manner.
  • Vote on subcommittee motions during meetings and via email communications.
  • Serve as liaison to other committees, subcommittees, or external organizations.
  • Copy AAN staff on all subcommittee-related correspondence.

Estimated Time Commitment

Five hours per month, face-to-face meeting(s) annually, and quarterly calls. Workload will vary depending on measure of project participation.


Subcommittee members are appointed by the AAN President Elect.

Committee Composition

  • Chair of the Quality Committee (non-voting)
  • 19 voting members, including the following:
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • 17 at-large members