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Abstract Details

Exploring the mental health of physical medicine and rehabilitation residents while caring for patients in post-COVID-19 rehabilitation care units: a qualitative study.
Research Methodology, Education, and History
Research Methodology and Education Posters (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)
The coronavirus infection originated as unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan, China, and as 2020 started, it was officially labeled “COVID-19” by the World Health Organization affecting millions across the globe. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician’s role comes after the intense ICU stay is over, leaving the patient with significant deconditioning hence requiring in-patient rehabilitation care. The role of residents in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) has been more important than ever in dealing with post-COVID-19 rehabilitation issues during their in-patient stay. The uncertainty of this deadly virus, shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and lack of timely testing facilities and treatments play a major role in the mental stress and burnout among medical workers including the residents.  

The aim of myquality improvement projectis to explore the challenges that PM&R residents encounter while caring for patients in post-COVID-19 rehabilitation care units.

A qualitative study usingasemi-structured interview approach was employed to address the phenomenology towards residents and institutional factors that affects the mental health status during these difficult times.

The themes identified in the focus groups mostly covered the following three areas: (1) concerns and key stressors, (2) how the residents addressed these concerns and what was the institutional response to these concerns, and (3) coping strategies that helped them overcome the stress.

Stress management is an important aspect in the care and wellbeing of residents, especially during this pandemic.Further plans to implement resident’s well being curriculum is recommended.

Zainab Al Lawati, MD (university of Minnesota)
Dr. Al Lawati has nothing to disclose.
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