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Abstract Details

Is the Learning Experience Different Across the Neurology Continuity Clinics at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School?
Research Methodology, Education, and History
Research Methodology and Education Posters (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)
The ACGME mandates neurology residents to attend a minimum of 40 half-day clinics per year. Our residents attend continuity clinic for 2 years at the veteran affairs hospital (VA) and 2 years at University Hospital (UH), either on Monday (UHM) or Thursday (UHT) with designated attendings at each location. 
To determine whether our continuity clinics offer an equal training experience for the residents and to identify opportunities to ensure that residents have similar training experience across different clinics.
We collected continuity clinic data from CPRS and EPIC from Sep 2019-Jan 2020. We recorded age, sex, diagnosis, new vs. follow up visit, no-show rate, and mean number of patients per resident. The data was recorded in a secure spreadsheet and de-identified.  
Percentage of male patients was 91% in VA, 41% in UHM, and 38% in UHT.  Mean age was 60.2 at VA, 47.9 at UHM, and 49.1 at UHT. No-show rate was 12% at VA, 37% at UHM, and 48% at UHT. The most common diagnosis was headache at VA (30%), multiple sclerosis at UHM (22%), and headache at UHT (35%). A diagnosis of dementia was present in 11% of VA patients, 5% of UHM and 10% of UHT patients. Degenerative joint disease was seen in 13% of patients at VA, but only in 3% at UHM and 6% at UHT. Mean number of patients per resident per session was 2.13 at VA, 2.61 at UHM, and 2.29 at UHT.
At the VA, the population is predominantly male and roughly 10 years older than at UH.  The no-show rate at VA is significantly lower than at UH, but residents see less patients per clinic. The attending’s specialty determines the most common pathology at respective UH clinics. Age-related pathologies such as degenerative disease of spine and brain are more common at VA.  
Sara Shapouran, MD (Montefiore)
Dr. Shapouran has nothing to disclose.
Soumya Bouchachi, MD (OSU) Dr. Bouchachi has nothing to disclose.
Machteld E. Hillen, MD, FAAN (Rutgers-NJMS) The institution of Dr. Hillen has received research support from Genentech.