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Abstract Details

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Neurology Education: A SIGN Needs Assessment
Research Methodology, Education, and History
Research Methodology and Education Posters (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced several unprecedented challenges to undergraduate medical education. In Spring 2020, in an effort to identify areas of greatest need and concern among students interested in neurology, and to guide resource development, an AAN Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) Leadership Work Group (WG) designed a needs assessment survey.

To assess how the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) can further support students interested in neurology throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

The needs assessment survey was distributed to 90 allopathic SIGN chapter leaders in the US and Canada. Participation in this survey was voluntary. Qualtrics, an online survey portal, was used to collect responses. The question set was designed by the SIGN WG to include both qualitative and quantitative data points. The survey received 38 completed responses, for a 42% response rate.

Student-reported needs centered around physician mentorship/networking, virtual programming/online learning resources, research opportunities, and scholarship support. Major concerns due to COVID-19 included limitations in the clinical learning environment, the timing of USMLE Step exams, loss of research opportunities, and uncertain impacts on the residency application process. Other challenges included a lack of enthusiasm for neurology at individual institutions and a lack of involvement from SIGN members in program planning.

We investigated the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic posed for medical students interested in neurology. The survey findings helped inform future activities and programming. In response to identified needs, the SIGN WG created Virtual Resources for SIGN Chapters, a list of ready-to-use SIGN activity materials and suggested virtual programming options. Additionally, a series of AAN-sponsored webinars called “Neurology in Focus” was launched. To enhance the pipeline of medical students choosing careers in neurology, especially during challenging times, innovative approaches are needed to explore, develop, and augment opportunities to support and engage them.
Alvin P. Singh, MD (UCLA Medical Center)
Mr. Singh has nothing to disclose.
Blake Beehler, MD Dr. Beehler has nothing to disclose.
Genevieve Gates (American Academy of Neurology) Ms. Gates has nothing to disclose.
Maggie Rock (American Academy of Neurology) Ms. Rock has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of American Academy of Neurology.
Madhu Soni, MD, FAAN (Rush University Medical Center) Dr. Soni has nothing to disclose.