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Abstract Details

How Chronic Nausea/Vomiting Worsen Restorative Quality of Sleep in a Longitudinal Study of the American General Population
Sleep Posters (7:00 AM-5:00 PM)
CNV can be a debilitating health problem that has considerable impact on patients’ health-related quality of life.  However, little is known about how CNV impacts on sleep quality.  One indicator of a good night sleep is how restorative the sleep is.
To investigate whether Chronic Nausea and Vomiting (CNV) is a predictive factor of developing Non-Restorative Sleep (NRS)
This longitudinal study was carried out in eight states in the U.S.  A total of 12,218 subjects representative of the general population were interviewed by phone during the first wave (W1) and 10,930 at the second wave (W2) three years apart. The analyses included only the subjects who participated in the 2 waves (N=10,930). CNV was defined as episodes of nausea and vomiting occurring ≥ 2t/month and > 1 month outside pregnancy. NRS was defined as sleep of normal duration but unrefreshing.
CNV was reported by 3% (95%CI:2.7%-3.3%) of the sample at W1; nausea only was found in 9.8% (95%CI:9.2%-10.4%). CNV subjects were significantly younger (mean age: 45.6 vs. 52.7 years; p<0.001) and heavier (BMI, 30.2 vs. 27.8; p<0.001) than non-CNV subjects. Insomnia Disorder and Obstructive Sleep Apnea were higher among CNV subjects (28.8% and 12.1%, respectively) than in non-CNV participants (12.9% and 2.7%).  Prevalence of NRS was 14.7% (95%CI:14%-15.4%) at W1, and 13.1% (95%CI:12.5%-13.7%) at W2. 32.4% of CNV subjects at W1 and 29% at W2 reported NRS.  After controlling for age, sex, BMI, health status, alcohol and sleep disorders, subjects reporting CNV at both waves had a 1.8 relative risk (95%CI:1.2-2.8; p<0.01) of reporting NRS at W2 compared to non-CNV subjects.  Similarly, CNV incidence at W2 carried an increased NRS risk of 3.0 (95%CI:1.9-4.7; p<0.0001).
Subjects with CNV had two-fold higher NRS risk, indicating that sleep could be disturbed in patients with disorders characterized by CNV including gastroparesis.
Maurice M. Ohayon, MD, PhD, DSc (Stanford)
The institution of Dr. Ohayon has received research support from Jazz pharmaceuticals. The institution of Dr. Ohayon has received research support from Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
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