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Abstract Details

One-Year Survival and Related Prognostic Factors of Stroke Patients: The PROVE-Stroke Study
Cerebrovascular Disease and Interventional Neurology
S35 - Cerebrovascular Disease: Meta-analyses and Outcomes Research (1:36 PM-1:48 PM)
Survival and prognostic factors following stroke occurrence differ between world regions. Studies investigating stroke features in the middle-east region are scarce. 

To investigate one-year survival and related prognostic factors of stroke patients in central Iran

It is an observational analytical study conducted on patients registered in the Persian Registry of Cardiovascular Disease-Stroke (PROVE-Stroke) database. Records of 1703 patients admitted during 2015-2016 with the primary diagnosis of stroke in all hospitals of Isfahan, Iran were reviewed. Information regarding socio-demographic characteristics, clinical presentations, medications, and comorbidities were recorded. The living status of patients after one year from stroke was considered as one-year survival.
Among 1345 patients with the final diagnosis of stroke, 970 (72.1%) were alive at the 1 year follow up. The hemorrhagic and ischemic types of stroke were reported in 201 (15.0%) and 1141 (84.8%) patients, respectively. Age (HR=1.045, 95%CI=1.035-1.05), hemorrhagic type stroke (HR=2.223, 95%CI=1.700-2.90), diabetes (HR=1.312, 95%CI=1.052-1.63), previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attack (HR=1.283, 95% CI=1.012-1.62), and history of warfarin usage (HR=1.807, 95%CI=1.336-2.44) increased chance of death. Also, hospital complications of hemorrhage (HR=2.387, 95%CI=1.649-3.45), sepsis (HR=1.708, 95% CI=1.330-2.19), and hydrocephalus (HR=1.998, 95%CI=1.239-3.22), and the presenting symptoms of aphasia (HR=1.628, 95%CI=1.29-1.154) and unconsciousness (HR=3.09, 95%CI=2.43-3.94) were the other predictors of mortality following stroke.
Here we found substantial effects of hospital complications on the chance of mortality following stroke. Controlling medications, treatment of underlying diseases and reducing hospital complications, can significantly increase chance of survival in stroke patients. 

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Negin Badihian, MD Dr. Badihian has nothing to disclose.
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