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Abstract Details

Greater Functional Connectivity in Right Temporal Cortex was Associated with SuperAging
Aging, Dementia, and Behavioral Neurology
P10 - Poster Session 10 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)
 Superagers are defined as the older adults who have youthful memory performance that are comparable with cognitively normal middle-age individuals. Therefore, investigating functional connectivity based on the brain connectome can provide important insights and better understanding of the underpinning physiology in SuperAging.
 Investigating functional connectivity based on the brain connectome can provide important insights and better understanding of the underpinning physiology in SuperAging.
 We enrolled a total of 100 elderly (60 years old or older) with normal cognitive functions who agreed to participate in this study. The normal cognitive function was defined when participants scored above - 1.0 SD of population norm on the tests of memory and scored above - 1.5 SD of population norm on the tests of language, attention, visuospatial and executive functions. We defined the Superagers based on their performance compared to middle-aged adults (45 year old) on the visual and verbal memory. A 3.0 Tesla philips Achieva MR scanner (Philips Medical System, Netherlands) was used for acquisition of T1-weighted and resting-state functional images. The CONN software was used for the parcellation of 90 nodes based on the AAL atlas and to estimate the functional connectivity between each pair of nodes by computing the partial correlation between the two signals.

 A total of 46 participants were classified as the superagers at the baseline. SuperAgers demonstrated greater functional connectivity in the right inferior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus compared to typical agers.

 These results indicate that Superagers might be associated with higher functional connectivity in right temporal cortex compared to typical agers, which captures neurobiological characteristics of the functional brain connectome in superagers.
Soo-Hyun Kim, MD (Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital)
Dr. Kim has nothing to disclose.
Hyung Ho Kim, MD (Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital) Dr. KIM has nothing to disclose.
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