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Abstract Details

Serving Los Angeles County Patients with Teleneurology, A Clinical Tool Here to Stay
Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG)
P18 - Poster Session 18 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)

We are a large safety-net hospital in Los Angeles county, providing Level 4 epilepsy care to patients who are uninsured/under-insured. Most are drug-resistant and have physical, social, and/or economic factors that limit their ability to receive healthcare, including epilepsy care. One main factor is that none can drive, and many have difficulties arriving to their in-person appointments due to limited transportation means (i.e. walking, public transportation). The current COVID-19 pandemic further limits their access to healthcare with reduced public services. However, the recent expanded access to teleneurology has been a significant change for this population by improving their access to healthcare and follow up. Regular follow up infers improved compliance leading to better quality of care.

We readily and aggressively implemented teleneurology services for our patients. Teleneurology appointments (including phone and video) for our patients began March 20, 2020 with all appointments prior to this date being in-person appointments only.

To demonstrate the benefits of teleneurology visits for a vulnerable epilepsy population served at the epilepsy clinic in Los Angeles County Medical Center servicing the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area
We compared the rates of no-show appointments 12 months before (no teleneurology) and 12 months after (with teleneurology) March 20, 2020 by assessing significance using a z-test.
The rate of no-show appointments significantly falls from 33.7% (of 1711 patients) before to 15.3% (of 1684 patients) after the implementation of teleneurology (p<0.05).
Teleneurology is a critical and effective clinical tool for improving patient compliance with clinic visits and continuing therapy. Teleneurology ensures justice in distribution of medical care even for an underserved population of patients with epilepsy in Los Angeles County.
Bo C. Leung, MD
Dr. Leung has nothing to disclose.
Hasnain Arshad, MD (Northern light health) Dr. Arshad has nothing to disclose.
Shawna W. Benard, MD (USC Healthcare Consultation Center II) Dr. Benard has nothing to disclose.
Christianne N. Heck, MD (USC Keck School of Medicine, Neurology) Dr. Heck has nothing to disclose.
Laura A. Kalayjian, MD (University of Southern California) The institution of Dr. Kalayjian has received research support from NIH.
Jonathan Kuo, MD (USC) Dr. Kuo has nothing to disclose.
Patricia Lee, MD (Usc) Dr. Lee has nothing to disclose.
George Nune, MD (West Coast Neurology) Dr. Nune has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as an Expert Witness for Local residental real estate company.