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Abstract Details

Two Probable Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Cases Within One Month in a Single Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan
General Neurology
P11 - Poster Session 11 (11:45 AM-12:45 PM)

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare but fatal neurodegenerative disease with incidence of one in a million worldwide, and few than 1000 cases per year in the United States per year.  



Case Summary:

We present two probable CJD cases seen in the same hospital within one month. Case one was a 67-year-old white female, former psychology practice manager, presenting with worsening cognition, vertigo, behavioral changes and 15 lb weight loss over 6 months. Exam findings significant for MoCA of 17/30 (decreased to 15/30 after one week), constant right eye shut, mild dysmetria in both lower extremities, a wide based gait with small strides. Blood work and initial Spinal fluid studies were negative. Continuous EEG showing occasional right temporal slow, frequent generalized rhythmic theta and delta slowing. MRI brain findings were suggestive of CJD with hyperintensities in bilateral caudate nucleus and putamen. Patient did not respond to high dose steroid.

Case two was a 78-year-old white male, admitted for deterioration in cognition, gait, speech, fatigue and intermittent body jerking. Progression of his symptoms was so rapid, from a highly functional retired funeral director, he became minimal speech, loss of ADL within 3 months. Exam was significant for orientation to self only, global aphasia, muscle weakness and startle myoclonus. Blood work and initial spinal fluid studies were negative. MRI brain showed asymmetric cortically based diffuse restriction within cingulate, caudate nucleus also left temporoparietal. EEG showed generalized rhythmic delta activity.

CSF from both cases eventually showed positive RT-QuIC, 14-3-3 protein and highly elevated T-Tau protein.

CJD is a transmittable, reportable disease. Two cases seen in the same hospital within one month skews from the previously known CJD prevalence.  Surveillance and investigation on the reason of regional CJD arise during COVID-19 pandemic may prove to be important and urgent.  

Jiangyong Min, MD (Corewell Health West)
Dr. Min has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Abbott . Dr. Min has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Medtronic .
Ling Ling Rong, MD (Corewell Health West, Michigan State University) Dr. Rong has nothing to disclose.
Philip M. McCarthy, DO (Spectrum Health) Dr. McCarthy has nothing to disclose.
Jessica Feistel, DO Dr. Feistel has nothing to disclose.
Dania Mallick, MBBS Dr. Mallick has nothing to disclose.