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Abstract Details

Epochs Of Sternutation Induced By Coronavirus 19
Infectious Disease
P3 - Poster Session 3 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)
While Coronavirus 19 has been reported to inhibit sternutation (Mattu, 2021), Coronavirus-induced epochs of sternutation has not henceforth been described.
To understand that COVID-19 can cause epochs of sneezing.
Case Study: 38-year-old right-handed nasute woman, seven months prior to presentation, experienced an acute onset of loss of smell and taste, with a positive nasopharyngeal swab for SARS COV-2. Since then there has been no improvement in her chemosensory complaints and has developed periods of sternutation, whereby she sneezes 18 times in a row every morning.
Abnormalities of physical examination: Neurological Examination: Motor Examination: Drift testing: Left pronator drift with left abductor digiti minimi sign. Cerebellar examination: dysmetria in both upper extremities, left more than right. High frequency low amplitude tremor on extension of both upper extremities. Reflexes: 3+ biceps and brachioradialis and absent ankle jerks bilaterally. Bilateral Hoffman reflexes. Chemosensory testing: Alcohol Sniff Test: 0 (anosmia). Olfactory Retronasal Smell Test Index: 0 (anosmia). Gustatory testing: Propylthioruacil Disk Taste Test: 0 (ageusia).
The neuroanatomy of the sneeze reflex suggests that it occurs through the afferent pathway from the trigeminal nerve to the rostral dorsolateral medullary sneezing center where the efferent discharge of the autonomic nervous system occurs through the nervous intermedius to the greater superficial petrosal nerve and to the sphenopalatine ganglion. In any of these afferent or efferent pathways or in the central nervous system itself, COVID may have acted to cause intermittent irritation and thus epochs of sneezing (Songu, 2009; Herman, 1983). The common experience of sneezing occurring in threes may be centrally mediated and this occurred with eighteen sneezes may just be a prolonged variant of such a chronobiological reflex. In those who present with COVID-19, query as to epochs of sternutation may be revealing.
Sunjeet Brar
Miss Brar has nothing to disclose.
Alan R. Hirsch, MD, FACP (Illinois Center for Neurologial and Behavioral Medicine, Ltd.) Dr. Hirsch has nothing to disclose.