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Abstract Details

Systematic Comparison of Diffusion MRI-Derived Conventional Single-Tensor and Advanced Voxel-Wise Metrics Towards Understanding White Matter Tract Disorganization Due to Repeated Head Impacts
Neuro Trauma and Critical Care
P11 - Poster Session 11 (11:45 AM-12:45 PM)
Repetitive head impact (RHI) is thought to induce robust WM damage which may be the risk factor for various disorders. However, it is well-known that ST dMRI-derived measures are biased due to crossing-fibers, presence of free-water-(fiso), and choice of analytic techniques used to understand WM disorganization due to underlying pathology. Estimating fiso-corrected ST measures along with a few widely utilized beyond ST analytic techniques such as DKI and NODDI are proposed to mitigate some of the biases of ST dMRI-derived measures. However, the relative improvement of these popular techniques over ST dMRI-derived conclusions to understand WM disorganization due to pathology is still unclear, thereby restricting the widespread applicability of these techniques in routine clinical investigations. Hence, in this study, we compared conventional ST and advanced dMRI-derived measures.

Compare diffusion MRI (dMRI)-derived conventional single-tensor (ST) and advanced dMRI-derived metrics such as free-water (fiso)-corrected measures, Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) measures, and Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) measures in the white matter (WM) between boxers and healthy controls (HC).

dMRI data were acquired from 12 male boxers (age: 34.33±5.53 years; education: 13.17±1.99 years) and 10 HC (age: 35.5±11.07 years; education: 15±1.56 years) using a 3T-Skyra MRI scanner. Three shell dMRI was acquired with the following parameters: 71 diffusion encoding directions each at 3 b-values (b-values: 500s/mm2, 1000s/mm2, and 2500s/mm2), spatial resolution=1.5mm3, TE=100ms, multiband factor=3. A multiple linear regression model was further used to understand the neuroanatomical correlates of neuropsychological scores and exposure to fighting.
Our results show that advanced dMRI-derived measures can identify subtle WM differences between boxers and HC. 

Our findings suggest that though all advanced dMRI models can identify subtle WM differences due to RHI,  significant overlap exists between fiso-corrected ST measures, and DKI and NODDI metrics; and hence fiso-corrected ST measures should be routinely employed in clinical research.

Virendra R. Mishra, PhD (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)
The institution of Prof. Mishra has received research support from Keep Memory Alive Young Scholar Award. The institution of Prof. Mishra has received research support from NINDS/NIA: R01NS117547-01. The institution of Prof. Mishra has received research support from NIGMS: P20GM109025.
Aaron Ritter, MD (Cleveland Clinic) The institution of Dr. Ritter has received research support from NIH.
Charles Bernick, MD Dr. Bernick has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Lilly. Dr. Bernick has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Optina. Dr. Bernick has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Eisai. Dr. Bernick has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Corium. Dr. Bernick has stock in Aurora. The institution of Dr. Bernick has received research support from UFC. The institution of Dr. Bernick has received research support from Top Rank Promotions. The institution of Dr. Bernick has received research support from Haymon Boxing.