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Abstract Details

Edaravone in The Disease Course of ALS Effect. Retrospective Trial
Neuromuscular and Clinical Neurophysiology (EMG)
P3 - Poster Session 3 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)
ALS is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to death in 3 to 5 years. Recently Edaravone was added to slow ALS progression  besides Riluzole. 
The aim of this study was to compare the evolution of a group of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients treated with Riluzole (Ril) and another group treated with Riluzole plus Edaravone (Eda - Ril)
The medical records of 11 patients treated with Ril between 2007 and 2015 and 23 patients treated with Riluzole plus Edaravone since 2017 were retrospective analyzed.Demographic data, initial presentation symptoms (IP) and time (months)  to diagnosis as well as time to the treatment with Riluzole and Edaravone. Time to gastrostomy, tracheostomy, non invasive ventilation (NIV) and death were considered.
We found no differences in gender, age or IP. The Eda-Ril group presented less time since the onset to ALS diagnosis (11.04 month vs. 16.27, p=0.003) and time onset to the treatment with Riluzole (7.35 month vs. 27.73, p=0.001). No statistically significant differences were found among groups  regarding  time to the gastrostomy (26.75 vs. 46), tracheostomy (29.75 vs. 63), NVI (42.67 vs. 30) or death (36.13 vs. 36.09).

No significant differences were found between the outcomes, although we found a slower progression to the NIV on the Eda-Ril group. These results are biased by the small number of patients, but it is one of the first studies with edaravone in the region. We need more studies with a larger number of patients to determine the usefulness of this new drug.


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No disclosure on file
Cecilia Quarracino Benchetrit, MD Mrs. Quarracino Benchetrit has nothing to disclose.
Mariana Bendersky Dr. Bendersky has received research support from Buenos Aires University .
Natalia Bohorquez Morera Natalia Bohorquez Morera has nothing to disclose.
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Gabriel Rodriguez Gabriel Rodriguez has nothing to disclose.