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Abstract Details

Disparities in Pediatric Medulloblastoma: A Large Center’s Outcomes and Review of the Literature
P12 - Poster Session 12 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)
Disparities in pediatric medulloblastoma have not been extensively studied or defined to date. In this study of medulloblastoma patients at a large single center, we examined if race, sex, family income, US residency status, or English-speaking status affected overall survival, failure-free survival, and delays in treatment. Additionally, we reviewed the current literature on disparities present in pediatric oncology and medulloblastoma. 
The objective of this study is to investigate whether certain socioeconomic factors affect treatment and survival outcomes in pediatric medulloblastoma. 
Children with medulloblastoma treated at MD Anderson on trials between 01/04/2007-06/25/2014 were included in the analysis (N=96). Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to study associations between continuous and dichotomous variables, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to study the association between continuous and categorical variables. Multiple linear regression was used to study the effect of socioeconomic factors on continuous outcomes in adjusted analyses, primarily radiation delay, overall survival (OS), and failure-free survival (FFS), A literature review on disparities in pediatric radiation oncology treatment was conducted in Pubmed and similar databases.  

Sex, age, race, English-speaking status, and income were not significantly associated with survival, delays, or cancer outcomes. Only non-US location status was significantly associated with worse FFS (HR [USA vs. Non-USA]=0.34, p=0.025). 

We did not find significant disparities in outcomes across socioeconomic factors at the single institution studied. However, these results are likely secondary to the characteristics of the study and institution and should not imply a universal lack of disparities in pediatric medulloblastoma. More research is indicated to address literature gaps and to investigate factors that affect equivalent outcomes in the disease. 
Karthik Jagannath, MD (BIDMC)
Mr. Jagannath has nothing to disclose.