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Abstract Details

Visual Field Defect Rehabilitation through Visual Restoration Therapy
P18 - Poster Session 18 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)
Visual field deficits have a poor response to medications and complete spontaneous recovery of vision is rare. In spite of recent advances in biotechnology, there currently exists no consensus on rehabilitative therapy.
Analyse the efficiency of Visual Restoration therapy as a tool in the management of visual field defects.

A prospective follow up study.

  • Inclusion criteria:

    Participants above 18 years of age and willing to participate.

    Visual field defects resulting from lesion of visual pathway beginning at retina to the occipital cortex.


    Exclusion criteria:

    Ocular pathology – either a primary ocular disease or secondary to any systemic disease like Diabetes / Hypertension,etc.

  • Method:

  • Patients presenting with visual field defects are assessed with automated perimetry and optical Coherence Tomography, prior and post 3 months of therapy.


  • An image (face) unveils itself in a sectoral fashion by both clockwise and anticlockwise direction corresponding to the visual field defect in patient.


  • The video is calibrated to 3 different speeds of 30, 60 and 120 seconds with an enhancing colour contrast background of either Red, Green or Blue as the video progresses.


  • Patient is instructed to focus at the centre of the video as the image unveils. The visual task is to be performed 1 hour a day for 3 months.


  • Assessment of Visual field Index was used to measure the outcome of therapy.

A total of 25 patients with visual field defect were enrolled to the study.  

  • Totally 14 male and 11 female participants, median age being 43 years.
  • On an average, the visual field index improved by an 8%.

Our study was found to be beneficial in the management of visual field defects.

Marginal improvement demonstrated in the visual field is tantamount to a huge clinical translation, aiding in daily activity and opens up a new avenue in Visual Field rehabilitation.
Lakshmanan Sankaranarayanan, Sr.
Mr. Sankaranarayanan has nothing to disclose.
Guhan Ramamurthy, MD, DM (BG Hospital) Dr. Ramamurthy has nothing to disclose.
Lakshmi N. Ranganathan, MD, FAAN Dr. Ranganathan has nothing to disclose.