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Abstract Details

Improving Seizure Management through Interprofessional Collaboration
Practice, Policy, and Ethics
P18 - Poster Session 18 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)

Adhering to evidence-based principles is key to providing high-quality and efficient care when managing acute seizures. The lack of awareness of these principles may lead to adverse outcomes. We performed a needs assessment survey at our institution and identified key drivers for lapses in care. Examples of key drivers include the absence of continued education for the care team and lack of readily accessible clinical guidance.

This quality improvement project aims to improve acute seizure management through an interprofessional education program.

  1. We formed a multidisciplinary team of experts comprised of physicians, nurse champions, clinical pharmacy, nurse management, and nurse education.

  2. We created an education program, which consisted of synchronous lectures, an online learning module, and badge buddies with an acute seizure management algorithm and checklist.

  3. The online module was designed in collaboration with our institution’s Office of Continued Medical Education.

  4. Through anonymous surveys, we assessed each participant’s knowledge base and comfort level with acute seizure management pre- and post-implementation.

  5. We surveyed each participant’s satisfaction level with our education program.

90 percent of floor nurses who participated in the education program were satisfied with the amount of education received. All physicians who participated in synchronous lectures and responded to the surveys found its content outstanding. Upon completion of the online module, respondents who felt highly comfortable with recognizing seizures increased from 39 percent to 65 percent and those who felt highly comfortable with managing seizures increased from 40 percent to 68 percent.
An education program aimed at improving acute seizure management is feasible and could result in improved quality and safety. Successful implementation is more likely with interprofessional collaboration.
Michael Chang, DO (Ohio Health Neurological Physicians Group)
Dr. Chang has nothing to disclose.
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Kiran M. Kanth, MD (UC Davis Medical Center Department of Neurology) Dr. Kanth has nothing to disclose.
Trishna Kantamneni, MBBS (UC Davis Medical Center) Dr. Kantamneni has nothing to disclose.
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Katherine Park, MD (Oregon Health Sciences University) Dr. Park has nothing to disclose.