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Abstract Details

Standardized Site Description Template Meeting LCME Elements
Education, Research, and Methodology
P10 - Poster Session 10 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)

Given the increase use of affiliated sites for clinical experiences it has become necessary to standardize data collection from the sites and the potential attendings to ensure LCME compliance. In doing so, the academic institutions can assess the data to determine if the site can meet the needs of the clerkship, provide the necessary LCME requirements, and distribute the information to students.

Medical schools are increasingly using affiliated sites for their clerkships and other clinical rotations. It is critical for the institutions to gather specific and essential data from the affiliated sites to ensure compliance with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and to maintain accreditation. Likewise, it is equally important to distribute the data to students in the form of a site description. We surveyed over 75 clerkship programs as part of our research to create a standardized site description template that includes all the required LCME elements. The purpose of the template is to provide students with an overview of affiliated sites which will have details pertinent to the student, meet the LCME elements, and certify the students’ acknowledgment of receipt of the information.

Utilizing the LCME standards, we determined the elements pertaining to affiliated sites and created a template site description. Then we surveyed Neurology Clerkship Directors and Administrators concerning their experience with LCME requirements and site descriptions. They answered questions detailing how they ensure that their sites meet the LCME standards.

We will share the survey results and a standardized site questionnaire and site description template for academic institutions based on those results. 

Applying the research and survey results, we will present a standardized site questionnaire and site description for academic institutions. The documents will meet the LCME elements while optimizing the process of gathering site information.
Celia Linton Walker, MHA (UCF College of Medicine)
Ms. Linton Walker has nothing to disclose.
Stephen A. Berman, MD (University of Central Florida College of Medicine) Dr. Berman has received research support from University of Central Florida.