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Abstract Details

Abnormalities of lipid metabolism in neuronal models of CoQ10 deficiency
General Neurology
S49 - General Neurology (4:06 PM-4:18 PM)

CoQ10 is a lipid molecule. Biosynthesis of CoQ10 and cholesterol are linked via a common upstream pathway, specifically, the first enzyme of CoQ10 biosynthesis, decaprenyl diphosphate synthase (PDSS1/PDSS2) utilizes geranylgeranyl-diphosphate (GGdP), a substrate generated by the mevalonate pathway, which is responsible for the de novo synthesis of cholesterol. Deficiency of CoQ10 can be primary, due to a biosynthetic defect, or secondary to proteins not directly related to CoQ10 biosynthesis. In both forms of CoQ10 deficiency, there is clinical heterogeneity, but patients often present neurological conditions including Leigh syndrome and cerebellar ataxia. Phenotype variability might be due to molecular heterogenicity, multiple functions of CoQ10, and/or tissue-specific mechanisms. The effects of CoQ10 deficiency on lipid dysmetabolism in these diseases is unknown.

To investigate the role of lipid dysmetabolism in the neurological phenotype of primary and secondary CoQ10 deficiencies.

We used control and CoQ10 deficient fibroblasts carrying mutations in PDSS2, COQ8A and APTX, to generate iPSCs, which were differentiated into neurons. To characterize lipid metabolism in the neurons, we performed lipidomics, transcriptional analyses, western blots, immunostaining, and biochemical and molecular assays. To characterize causal relationship between abnormal CoQ10 and cholesterol metabolism, we pharmacologically manipulated the mevalonate pathway, and its CoQ10 and cholesterol branches in SH-SY5Y neuronal lines.

Neurons with primary CoQ10 deficiency showed significant impairment in fatty acids oxidation, sphingolipids biosynthesis, and cholesterol homeostasis, which were reproduced by inhibition of CoQ10 deficiency in SH-SY5Y neurons. APTX mutant neurons, a model of secondary CoQ10 deficiency, showed sphingolipids biosynthesis, and cholesterol homeostasis alterations, which were reproduced by inhibition of the mevalonate pathway in SH-SY5Y neurons.

Primary and secondary forms of CoQ10 deficiency are associated with alterations in lipid metabolism including cholesterol biosynthesis in neurons.

Alba Pesini Martin, PhD (Columbia University)
Dr. Pesini Martin has nothing to disclose.
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Edoardo Monfrini, MD (University of Milan) Dr. Monfrini has nothing to disclose.
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Luis Lopez (Columbia University Medical Center) No disclosure on file
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Catarina Quinzii Hirano, MD No disclosure on file