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Advance Care Planning

Measure Purpose: To document an advance care plan or discuss advance care planning for patients with neurological conditions

The numerator: Patients who have documentation of advance care plan OR documentation of a conversation to determine advance care plan once during the measurement period.

is divided by

The denominator: Patients aged 18 to 64 years of age diagnosed with a neurological condition


  • Patients with a new diagnosis at the time of the visit
  • Patients unable to participate in the conversation and do not have a caregiver present
  • Patient and/or caregiver decline service

Key Phrases

Examples of key phrases you might use to meet the measure:

  • Advance care plan created
  • Advance care plan updated
  • Advance care plan discussed
  • Advance care plan revised

Measure Calculation Example

Dr. Fischer saw 50 patients between the age of 18 and 64 years with a neurological condition between January 1 and December 31 of the measurement year. This is the denominator. Three of those patients had a new diagnosis at the time of the visit and one decline the service. These patients are removed from the denominator.

Of the remaining 46 patients, 18 had an advance care plan documented, three had an advance care plan updated, and one had a discussion about an advance care plan. This is the numerator.

Quality of care =22/(50-4). Dr. Fischer has a score of 47% for this measure.